Monday 30 April 2018

April is Bowel Cancer Awareness Month - Day 30 The Month Draws to a Close

The final post of bowel cancer awareness month begins with this very informative short video from, Deborah Alsina, the CEO of Bowel Cancer UK / Beating Bowel Cancer about the importance of screening, and the need to get the bowel cancer screening age down to 50 in England, Wales and Northern Ireland to match Scotland. Please take a couple of minutes to watch it.

It's been a busy month of raising awareness about bowel cancer, and pressing on with my own fundraising. Sadly the stats will show that around 1,300 will have lost their lives to this cruel disease during April. Bowel cancer remains the second highest cancer killer in the UK. Early detection is crucial. At stage 1 patients have a 97% chance of living for 5 years or more, which drops to just 7% at stage 4. At the moment only 15% of patients are diagnosed at stage 1.

The fundraising on my bowelcancerfundraising website has gone very well during April. Just short of £4000 has been raised for Bowel Cancer UK / Beating Bowel Cancer since 2015. Please check it out - there are so many items to buy, and help my fundraising. The stop bowel cancer wristbands and t-shirts are going really well at the moment, and the first of the t-shirts in the new summer colours were posted today.

My other big news this month was deciding to do the tandem charity skydive in July. I still can't believe I am going to do this. How will they get me out of the plane... The minimum amount of sponsorship required to do the jump is £430, and I have gone past  that today after only a few days, so I am ever so grateful for all the support. I am hoping to raise at least £1000, so please sponsor me if you can