Thursday 26 April 2018

April is Bowel Cancer Awareness Month - Day 26 Screen at 50

Today Lauren Backler handed in her petition to the Health Secretary, Jeremy Hunt, calling for the bowel cancer screening age in England, Wales and Northern Ireland to be reduced to 60, to match what it already is in Scotland. As you can see from the photo a huge number of people have already signed the petition. In fact as I type this tonight that figure has risen to over 453,000 and 500,000 is now within sight. It is estimated that 4,500 lives could be saved each year if this  age reduction takes place. Sadly, Lauren's mum died from bowel cancer aged 56, and Lauren firmly believes that her mum would still alive today if screening had started at 50.

So if you haven't already signed the petition please sign it now at 

If all this hard work wasn't enough, Lauren ran the London Marathon last weekend in scorching temperatures raising over £3000 for Bowel Cancer UK / Beating Bowel Cancer. She is a pretty amazing person, truly inspiration, and I had the pleasure of meeting her last summer for my forthcoming fundraising book.